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  • 新加坡莱佛士城会议中心

  • 英文名称:Raffles City Convention Center
    英文地址:Raffles City Convention Centre, 252 North Bridge Road 179103, Singapore.
  • 新加坡莱佛士城会议中心展馆、中英文、简介!
  • 会展之都--新加坡国内的展览中心众多,而莱佛士城会议中心与新加坡博览中心、新加坡新达城会议展览中心并称“新加坡三大会展中心”,可见其在新加坡的地位之高。莱佛士城会议中心坐落于新加坡中央商业区的正中心,它位于158米高的地标性建筑--莱佛士高塔之中,前后分别是新加坡费尔蒙特大酒店、新加坡瑞士史丹福大酒店与莱佛士城购物中心,被史丹福路、海滩路、勿拉士巴沙路和桥北路等四条繁荣商业街所围绕,周围高中档酒店、高级餐厅、特色酒吧、品牌商店等应有尽有,生活娱乐设施十分完备,会议中心直接与“政府大厦地铁站”相接,附近是“滨海艺术中心地铁站”,凭借其卓越的地理位置而被称为“城中之城”。
  • Raffles City Convention Centre has all the right ingredients to ensure your event runs like clockwork. It has more than 70,000 square feet of prime, flexible function space, including 27 meeting rooms and three magnificent ballrooms. As one of largest, most comprehensive and accessible exhibition and convention centres in Singapore, it is a leader in creating successful events and memorable experiences.
    Centrally located in the heart of the city, the venue's proximity to a large variety of amenities such as hotels, restaurants, bars and shops makes it popular choice for events of all kinds. With state-of-the-art facilities such as internet stations and a satellite conference system, Raffles City Convention Centre offers a seamless approach to technology to support your meeting or conference.
    Throughout your business event, the venue's experienced team is always at hand to provide support and assistance to make your event a success. Raffles City is a large complex located in the Civic District within the Downtown Core of the city-state of Singapore. Occupying an entire city block bounded by Stamford Road, Beach Road, Bras Basah Road and North Bridge Road, it houses two hotels and an office tower over a podium which contains a shopping mall and a convention centre. The mall is managed by Raffles International.
  • 新加坡莱佛士城会议中心 展期排列专业高效、实时操作、品牌第一!
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